
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

Get Aquainted Games

Get Aquainted Games

Acquaintance games are always employed when a group must get to know each other at the beginning. This is usually the case at the beginning of a new group meeting or on the first evening of a children’s or youth’s camp.

The imagination knows no limits when it comes to that kind of games. The important thing is the goal: The members of the new group will be in various stages of knowing each other, of familiarizing one another. The other aim is to reduce inhibitions and to build a certain group dynamics.

A relaxing atmosphere is important, regardless what kind of team that is: The new trainee in a company has to get to know all employees just as a new child in Kindergarten has to meet his new playmates. Ultimately, you can encounter such "games" anywhere: Whether it is when you are applying for a job - when it comes to a group of people which have to work together to find solving strategies. (Comprehensive Group Methodology). Here are some ideas from the classic "Ball with a name" game to more complex imagination games similar to the talent shows in the style of 2009 pop stars.

For a group to harmonize and work together well, it is important that all individuals get to know each other as well as possible. And what is the easiest way to do so? Of course: Also with a game!

Suitable are all games where the children must say something about themselves. You can turn it into a quiz, which also challenges the memory of each individual. In this case, a player has to listen to the other, what he tells about himself and his life. Then questions are asked, which are to be answered by the listener.

However, games to get to know each other can be exciting and full of action. For example, various sports games are very well suited for this occasion. A classic is the "Ball with a name" game in which the players each throw a ball, thereby calling the name of the catcher out loud. Thus, the names of the other group members are learned playfully and the first barrier is broken.

But games to get to know each other are suitable not only for the first meeting but also to deepen relations within themselves. This is useful, for example, when a child- or youth group just recently was formed and wants to take some time off for a trip or a youth camp in the near future. With the appropriate games, you can ensure in advance that the participants better understand each other and form a perfect team later on the trip.

[References to the symbols]

  1. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingElf, Giant, Magician

    On the leaders command, the couples must assume positions to show the character and they must also make the sounds of that character. This game is similar to Rock-Paper-Scissors.

  2. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blindfoldsA blind pair

    Players turn, walk towards each other and meet up while blindfolded.

  3. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: music playerPartner body positions

    When the music stops, the leader will announce two body positions.

  4. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingLine up

    The groups must line up in correct order.

  5. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingZipp-Zapp

    The chosen player must name the player on his left (right).

  6. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingShoe Pile

    Everyone takes off one shoe and throws it onto a pile in the middle of the group. Then everyone will choose a shoe and try to find the player who owns the shoe.

  7. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingStand up

    Two (or more) players sit back to back with legs stretched out in front of them. They must try to stand up without using their arms.

  8. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingGreeting Rituals

    The members of the group greet each other using different greetings rituals.

  9. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ballThe ball with names

    The group sits or stands in a circle. A ball is thrown to someone whose name is called out at the same time.

  10. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingBackwards names

    Your own name is said backwards.

  11. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: paper and pencilsName crossword

    Each letter of your name is represented by a question where the first letter of the answer gives the different letters of the name.

  12. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingMaking gestures

    Like "I went to the market" but with gestures and movements.

  13. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingBang

    Out of the game is either: the person who ducked too slowly.

  14. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingPip squeak

    The blind person in the middle must guess who made the noise.

  15. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: nothingIntroduction - Starter questions

    A few questions which can be posed during an introductory round.

  16. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: bonbons, sweets, or toilet paperSmarties and stories

    Each player takes a few numbers of M & M’s or Smarties out of a bag. After all have taken from the bag, each person tells one thing about themselves for each piece of candy taken.

  17. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: paper (cards) and pencilsWho is it?

    Everyone writes down 4-5 personal characteristics about themselves. The group then guesses who the characteristics belong to.

  18. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ball of yarnThe group (spider) net

    A ball of yarn is thrown randomly from one person to the next while posing a question with each throw.

  19. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: newspaperNewspaper Slaps

    The player in the middle must “tap” the person named with the newspaper before that person can call out another person’s name.

  20. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: paper (cards) and pencils3 wishes, 3 truths, 3 important things

    Each person writes down 3 wishes. Afterwards the group guesses whose wish is whose.

  21. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: long boardFormation line

    The entire group must stand on a board. On command, they line up by alphabet, height or age in the right order without speaking.

  22. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blanket or a doorHands

    Hands behind a stretched over a blanket screen must be recognised.

  23. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: paper and pencilsGroup estimations

    The group estimates themselves (total age, height, distance to school.)

  24. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: balloons, water proofed pencilsWhose balloon is this?

    Everyone snaps a balloon and brings it to the person whose name is on the balloon.

  25. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blindfoldsSecret calls

    Each group agrees on a special signal. All members are blindfolded and must try to find each other.

  26. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blindfoldsBlindly sorted

    All members of the group are blindfolded and have the challenge of standing in a row according to size, age, etc.

  27. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blindfolds, cards with animal namesAnimals find their partner

    Each blindfolded member of the group must now try to find his partner by making animal sounds.

  28. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blindfolds, spoon grabSpoon grab

    A blindfolded member of the group must try to recognise another group member with a table spoon.

  29. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blanketWho knows all of the group members by name?

    On the command, the members of staff let the blanket fall. Whoever names the person sitting opposite them first has won.

  30. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: blanketWhat Belongs to Whom?

    Volunteers stretch out their arms or legs out from under a blanket.

  31. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ball or heartI love…

    This is a good game to learn about the others’ hobbies and such.

  32. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: prepare and check cards with opposite tasks and check if the tasks really are possible.The perfect chaos

    Each group member receives a task. An exact opposite task exists for each task.

  33. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: prepared cards with the family namesFamily Maier, Meier, Mayer and Meyer

    A game for allocating and finding groups with initial communication difficulties.

  34. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: film pots with different contents.Like to like

    A game for allocating groups with noises.

  35. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: paper, colours for the footprintLipstick kiss or footprint

    Every player makes a fingerprint, a lipstick kiss or a shoe print on his paper. The group guesses whose paper belongs to whom.

  36. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneRemember the name even in this paper mess

    As quickly as possible you need to find out who has a name with a given letter.

  37. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneSitting on the Meadow

    A circle of chairs game to learn names.

  38. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Theme SheetsSpeed dating

    In two minute intervals tell the other person something about yourself, then change.

  39. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Theme SheetsMini Chaos Game

    Think about to which person you would like to go

  40. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: None, maybe pins and paperTruth or False

    Everyone has to find out whether it is an experienced, or made-up story.

  41. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: SnowThrowing Snowballs – getting to know one another

    Getting to know one another in the snow.

  42. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Kinder SurpriseSomething to play with and something to tell ...

    The object from a Kinder Surprise has to be connected with something from your own life.

  43. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Lamp, white wall, paper, and penShadow Clone on paper

    Who can tell from the shadow, who’s head it is?

  44. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: BallToss me your name

    A ballgame in the circle of chairs to get to know each other.

  45. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Sheet or curtainBlind Date

    Very quickly say the name of the person behind the curtain.

  46. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: BlanketGame with blankets

    Whoever cannot say the other person’s name fast enough needs to change sides.

  47. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Paper, pens, safety pinsMy favourite food

    Everyone has to find out the other one’s favourite food.

  48. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Word pairs, paper, pencilsCharacteristics ala motor boat

    You need to find matching answers to pairs of words.

  49. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Paper, pens, questionsQuestion time

    Questions are to be answered. In the end, we check who remembers the most questions.

  50. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Map of the world, big sheets of paper, pensWhere I have been ...

    Everyone tells in which countries he was and what unique things he has experienced.

  51. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Circle of chairsAm I the only one who can...?

    Everyone thinks of a characteristic or unique talent; of which he thinks he is the only one who can do that.

  52. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: One or more ballsKnow the name

    Throwing a ball to another kid and calling out his name

  53. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Markers for the floor, several Hula hoop ringsIsland game

    Children gather together to little islands. For example, everyone who has a sister, everyone who has brown hair

  54. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NewspaperWho can escape the hunter?

    The name, which is called, the hunter has to catch.

  55. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Paper, pen, name tags,Memorizing my classmates

    1-2 volunteering children try to give all the others the correct name tag

  56. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Paper, pensKlaus kisses Kermit

    Create a sentence where all words start with the first letter of your name.

  57. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: EddingEerie Edding

    Each child represents itself with a characteristic which starts with the first letter of his first name. The Edding pen plays only a supporting role.

  58. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneRemembering names

    In turn, each child introduces and identifies a favourite activity, which is also represented in pantomime. The speakers are again presented with the associated movements.

  59. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneWho am I looking for?

    One person from the group is described while the others have to guess who it might be.

  60. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Pens, paperThe first impression counts

    Other group members are assessed. Then it comes to the exchange, why someone was evaluated a certain way.

  61. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Pens, paperI want to know

    What I would like to know about another team member?

  62. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneFavourite number

    Everyone thinks of his favourite number and represents himself with the equal number of characteristics.

  63. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: A ballWhat is your favourite food?

    In the beginning, everybody says his favourite name of a child within the group. Next, the kids throw a ball to each other, however, instead of calling them by their names, they are called by their favourite food.

  64. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Pens, paperGetting to know Bingo

    The objective is to write down as many as possible characteristics of the kids in the group.

  65. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: 2 diceThe other way around

    A getting-to-know-game using a dice – call out the name of the person who matches the casting number.

  66. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneEmotional getting to know each other

    In each round, a new characteristic will be presented. A hobby, what makes you sad or happy, etc.

  67. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Paper, pensGetting to know Domino

    Each participant must write down something that belongs to him, then the group creates a Domino image.

  68. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneNetwork game

    Players must try to find some common ground with other group members.

  69. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Circle of chairsParliament (rather for youth groups)

    The goal is to fill all 4 marked seats with people of their own team (party).

  70. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Paper, pensCharacteristics-Bingo

    Players with the same characteristics are supposed to come together.

  71. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneCommon and different

    The participants have to find similarities and differences with other players.

  72. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Paper, pensName Scrabble

    The objective is to create an as long as possible word with the initials of the child’s first and last name.

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