
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

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Games with Dominoes

Those games belong to the classic games for children and adolescents for a long, long time. The special charm of a small bag of dominoes in the toy box is that you can use it a) for the classic domino game or b) you can line them all up, then tip the first one over and create the classic domino effect.

In addition, games with dominoes have an educational factor with younger participants: The kids learn playfully dealing with numbers. If that is the effect, the team leader is after; he should make sure that all kids have roughly the same educational level so that kids whose number skills are not as great to not feel left out.

Besides that, the classic domino, where the numbers have to be laid together so that the add up to a given sum, they can also be used for a number of other games. For example, they could be used to build a tower or other little buildings.

  1. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesEyes Memory

    Memorising the numbers of dominoes

  2. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesThe Domino Labyrinth

    Creating a labyrinth of dominoes.

  3. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesDomino Jenga

    Using dominoes to build a tower and then pull single dominoes out

  4. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Dominoes, small dark bagSensing the pips on dominoes

    Sensing the number of pips on dominoes blindfolded

  5. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Dominoes, electric carDomino Parcour

    Building a racetrack of dominoes and then driving through with an electric car.

  6. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Dominoes, tape of similar things to mark the floorDomino Target Throwing

    Throwing dominos at a certain goal

  7. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesDomino Day Home Edition

    Set up a long domino chain, then topple them over to create the domino effect

  8. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesDominos to the start

    The classic game of dominoes

  9. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesSumming up quickly

    Adding up the pips of dominoes.

  10. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesBuilding a city with dominoes

    Building a city with dominoes

  11. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesBringing the dominoes to fall

    Bringing the dominoes to fall

  12. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: dominoesTower ala Domino Games

    Build a tower from Dominoes

  13. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesTrack over track

    Bringing the dominoes to fall. Who topples over the most dominoes?

  14. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesThe perfect picture

    Laying out dominoes so that they create a picture. Then let the others guess what it is.

  15. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesDominos Search

    Finding hidden dominoes.

  16. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesEstimating certain lengths

    Using dominoes to estimate certain lengths

  17. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: DominoesRelay Domino

    Building a Domino track stone by stone as a relay.

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Games with Buttons

Even common everyday objects can be exploited for funny and exciting games. These include, for example, games with buttons, which you can get in every well-stocked department store. Those buttons can be used for many different tasks and games. For example, the buttons could be some kind of a reward for accomplished tasks; for the individual or the team alike. You also can use them as replacement tokens for various games. In this case, the buttons of each team should have a uniform colour.

Buttons can also have an educational value. The kids can learn fine motor skills and be crafty. Sewing a button on a piece of cloth would be a great example.

  1. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ButtonsTime to flick

    Buttons must be flicked into a target.

  2. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, table, boxes, potsFlicking, with a difference

    Buttons must be flicked off the table in targets with different distances.

  3. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Different size buttons and buttonholesSorting out the buttons blindfolded.

    The buttons need to be sorted out blindfolded, by size, using buttonholes.

  4. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, thread and needleThreading game

    Threading buttons on a string

  5. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Plenty of different buttonsColour and hole?

    Memorising different buttons (size, colour, buttonholes, etc.)

  6. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, 3 cupsShell game with buttons

    The well-known shell game only this time without mobsters.

  7. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ButtonsButton instead of head

    Each button is assigned a certain number. Kids draw 10 buttons and add up their value.

  8. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ButtonsButtons on the wall

    Throwing buttons on the wall.

  9. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, toothpicksButtons on the move

    Buttons have to be passed on to the next child using either their feet of toothpicks.

  10. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ButtonsButton ‘n’ roll

    Let buttons roll as far as possible.

  11. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, needle and thread, fabricSewing against the time

    Sewing on as many as possible buttons within one minute.

  12. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ButtonsBlow me away

    Blowing a button as far as possible away.

  13. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, rulerStacking buttons

    Stacking buttons to a tower

  14. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: ButtonsButtons up into the air

    Throwing buttons in the air and catching them again.

  15. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, dark jarGuessing with your ears

    Shaking a jar with buttons and estimating how many buttons are in there

  16. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, jarJust guess

    How many buttons are in the jar?

  17. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Buttons, strings, pipe cleaners, creativity, imaginationCrafting animals from buttons

    Crafting animals from buttons

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Games with Bottle caps

Collecting corks can be very rewarding for the team leader if he wants to organise games with common household goods. Crown corks, again, can be replacement tokens for many games. And not to forget, bottle corks are extremely easy to collect, because they would accumulate in every household within a short time or, alternatively, can be obtained from bottle shops.

The great advantage with bottle tops of any kind is that each child can easily receive the same number of buttons to play like everybody else. And it also will not feel disadvantaged with fewer quality materials.

However, kids should never play unsupervised with bottle caps because they have sharp edges and can hurt children.

  1. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: NoneProtecting the environment with a difference

    Everyone collects as much as possible bottle caps.

  2. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Cork, rulerCork to the wall

    Throwing a cork as close as possible to the wall

  3. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Corks, pool, bath tub or large plastic containerCork boats

    Each group puts sequentially 10 corks in a pool

  4. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Cork, thread, string, nail, hammerCork chain

    Corks must be strung together on a thread.

  5. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Corks, markers, chalk, ruler, ropeShooting bottle caps

    Corks must be thrown into different targets.

  6. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Bottle caps, tape measureBottle Caps tower

    Building a tower from bottle caps

  7. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Cherries, bottle caps, corksCorks and cherries

    Rifle shooting only the missile is the cork, the amination a cherry pit.

  8. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: CorksCounting Corks

    Successively, a different number of corks are passed on under the table. All corks must be added up.

  9. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Magnet, fishing rod, water containers, bottle capsFishing bottle caps

    With a magnetic fishing rod fishing bottle caps.

  10. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Bottle caps, hammerPanel building

    Flattening the corks with a hammer and then build a tower.

  11. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Many different corks and bottle caps.Exchanging corks

    All the corks and bottle caps represent a certain monetary value. They are used as play money.

  12. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Strings, chains, bottle caps, nail, hammerBottle cap rattle

    Crafting a rattle of threaded bottle caps.

  13. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Bottle caps, colourful dotsBottle cap memory

    Pairing two same-labelled bottle caps

  14. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Bottle caps, shoes, small paper balls, sheets of paper and penTarget throwing

    Throwing bottle caps into shoes.

  15. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Bottle cap kickerBottle caps kicker.

    Two teams play bottle cap kicker on a table.

  16. timeplacecategoryPersonspreparation timeMaterial: Bottle caps, trayTurning bottle caps

    The objective is to turn over as many as possible bottle caps.

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