Games to catch - Catching Games
Catching games and amusing games with water are particularly easy and quick to make feasible. Games in water should be given a higher level of attention to safety. The water games were placed in a separate category because of their amount.
What are catching games?
Catching and being caught are among the oldest games by and for children. Compared to other games, catching games have many benefits. Virtually, they can be played everywhere - in the gym, outdoors, in the group room, etc. Also, no equipment is required for this and the kids can organize the game themselves.
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There is probably no adult who would deny having played Catch Me and not having enjoyed it as well. The reasons are manifold: It's the thrill, which accounts for a large part of the fun of the games. Does he get me or not? That is the key question, which always hovers over the game. A further advantage of this game is: No matter how big the group is, everyone can take part and no one needs to be bored.
How to play catch?
The rules are very simple and can be changed at will. In its basic form, one player is the capturer while all others are to be caught. Once caught, the player has to leave the game. However, you could alter the game that way, so that every person caught, become a capturer himself. In this case, the game for the remaining not-yet-caught kids is becoming increasingly difficult, as there are more and more capturer.
What are the psychological benefits of catching games?
Besides a lot of fun, catching games have positive psychological effects as well. Children learn strategic thinking, to make quick decisions and in advance trying to put themselves in certain situations. And of course, children also learn also deal with defeat. They will recognize that the line between success and failures can be narrow and that you actually have to do something to succeed.
Conclusion: Catching games are fun and excitement pure! We could not think of a child who does not like to play catch. Also, the game can be modified and is never dull. Especially for larger groups and the outdoor area, catching games are great.
Catching games
Cat and mouse
A cat & mouse chasing game with life saving hugs for the mice.
Fox and hare
A catching game where the rabbits must reach the life saving rabbit warrens and a surprising change of roles takes place.
Chain catching
A catching game with ever increasing numbers of catchers.
British Bulldog
he game is a little like Black Man!
The bone man
A capturing and releasing game
There is only one catcher but some helpers.
Always the same
The catcher's movements must be copied by the others.
Enjoy immunity
In agreed position, the catcher is not allowed to tag.
Flee for the mountains
Each player who the catcher wants to catch can save themselves by jumping on the back of another player.
Shadow catching
The catcher tries to catch the players by stepping on their shadow.
Capturing the castle
A catcher tries to tag the person in the middle, the other 3 try to stop him
Horse escape
Catch the horses and riders.
Bible knowledge is useful
The tagged player must stay in this frozen position as long as it takes for another player to come and say a phrase from the bible.
The following hunt
The aim is for one runner to catch up with the other team’s runner and tag him. Not so easy.
Tagged free
Creep up and free……
Rope race
Ropes serve as race tracks which are walked over - no overtaking allowed.
Catching molecules
A catching game with spice in which teams of 3 must react skilfully.
Tree tagging
The other people must try to reach the tree as many times as possible and tag it without the catcher
Try to strike a person with the ball
Dog or cat | True or false
If heads is thrown, the dogs chase the cats and if tails is thrown the cats chase the dogs.
Ant game
One member of each team is the killer ant and is marked with a ribbon.
Toilet Paper Tag
Each team tries to tear apart the band of paper held by the opposing team.
Hunting ribbons
Ribbons which are hanging from the waistband must be stolen.
Freeing friends
It is a mixture of running, searching, combination and memory.
Grandmother, Hunter, and Wolf
A catching game. The hunter is decided by the principle of Stone-Paper-Scissors.
A search and catching game where the time intervals are getting shorter.
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