
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups


Time: approx. 10 min. or in any order
Recommended age: all ages
Size of group: from 5-10 persons ideal
Time for preparation: none (only hold the material)
Material: ball

Game description

Everyone stands in a circle. A person in the middle of the circle throws a ball up vertically in the air and calls out the name of a member of the group. This person then catches the ball and shouts “Stop!” At this point, the others stand frozen. The ball catcher may now take 3 large steps towards any player in the circle and try to strike this person with the ball. The chosen player is not allowed to move from the spot but is allowed to divert (duck, turn away,…). If the person is hit, this person has one minus point; otherwise the thrower gets the minus point if he does manage to hit the player. Several rounds can be played.


Who has the most minus points at the end?

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Try to strike a person with the ball

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