
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

The transport roller train

Time: approx. 5-20 min.
Recommended age: all ages
Size of group: it doesn't matter
Time for preparation: time-consuming
Material: Roller train and transport materials if required.

Game description

If you have the possibility to get your hands on a roller train you can play some great games with it. A roller train is certainly an attraction at a children's fete but transport tasks can also be organised. For example, a child can carry a bucket with water or a large box on his journey or at some point on the journey he must burst a balloon with a spear.


The scoring is based on the time taken to complete the task and points are given. Or points are given to those who carry the most water in the time given. The team with the most points is the winner.

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If you have the possibility to get your hands on a roller train you can play some great games with it.

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