
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

Diving Relay

Time: approx. 3-5 min.
Recommended age: all ages
Size of group: it doesn't matter
Time for preparation: none (only hold the material)
Material: diving suit or jogging suit (jacket and pants), a diving mask, a snorkel and swim fins

Game description

For this game you need a diving suit or jogging suit (jacket and pants), a diving mask, a snorkel and swim fins. Also needed are a bowl of water, a spoon and a bottle. The game is timed and can be used as a relay game in a station game event. At the signal the first player puts on the diving clothes and diving items and runs with the spoon to the bowl of water – takes water out of the bowl with the spoon and puts it in the bottle that has been placed about 5-10 meters away from the bowl. Then he runs back to the start and the next player puts on the diving clothes, etc. and continues.


The fastest team wins. If there aren't' t enough suits, flippers etc. available then the time should be taken for each team. This relay race can obviously also be added into a station game.

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Games for youth groups, children’s birthday party or community fete.

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