Long sentence
Time: | approx. 5 min. |
Recommended age: | from 10 |
Size of group: | it doesn't matter |
Time for preparation: | none |
Material: | nothing |
Game description
The first person begins the sentence with a word, which his neighbour repeats and adds another word. This carries on until a long sentence is achieved without any mistakes.
Klaus: I
Peter: I would
Paul: I would have
Richard: I would have always
Jacob: I would have always liked
John: I would have always liked to
Horst: I would have always liked to have
Rene: I would have always liked to have flown
Tim: I would have always liked to have flown with
Christian: I would have always liked to have flown with my
Bob: I would have always liked to have flown with my bike.
just for fun, or the fun wins
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