Measuring the chaos …..
Time: | approx. 60 min. |
Recommended age: | all ages |
Size of group: | it doesn't matter |
Time for preparation: | low |
Material: | Tape measure, folding ruler, paper and pen |
Game description
Simply measuring things can be done as a fun game. Divide the group into two teams. Each team receives two measuring tapes or folding rulers with a list of objects to be measured. The objective is to go, armed with a tape measure and the objects list out and measure those things and neatly write it all down. For example, the task could be: What is the height of the smallest person in the group? What is the width of the door, etc.? 10 questions like those mentioned above is a good number to start and to keep the kids entertained for a while.
For every correct answer, the team receives a point. The winner is at the end that team which scores the most points.
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