Lederhosen Gumboot Season
Time: | approx. 3 min., or extend the game |
Recommended age: | approx. from 8, if necessary adapt the rules |
Size of group: | playable with a few teammates |
Time for preparation: | none |
Material: | Gumboots, Lederhosen |
Game description
Before this competition starts, the participants are divided into two teams, each of which goes to the start and finishing line. – Half to the start, half to the end. Next, each kid in the line, ready to run, receives a Lederhose and gumboots which he has to put on. As soon as the start signal sounds, he has to run to the finishing line, take off his Lederhosen and boots and pass it on to the next kid. This process is repeated until all kids of the group had a go. Carefully note write down the time of each kid.
You can also build 2 or more games and instead of playing in succession, this becomes a team against team game.
The winner is the fastest team.
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