
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

Wooden Match-Matchbox-Relay

Time: 3 min.
Recommended age: from 10
Size of group: ideal: each team over 5 persons
Time for preparation: none
Material: matchboxes

Game description

Each group gets a matchbox. The first player lights a match, blows it out and places it back in the matchbox. The next player takes the matchbox, takes a match out of it, lights it, places it back into the matchbox and passes the matchbox to the next player. Which group is the fastest to get through the row once/twice?


The same game in a dark room. Because the room is dark and no one can see so well and can’t see if he has taken a burnt match out of the matchbox, makes this an exciting game.


The winners are the group who was fastest over one round or over several rounds.

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The first player lights a match, blows it out and places it back in the matchbox and passes the matchbox to the next player.

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