
Games for Youth Groups1000 Games for Youth Groups

A game of catch in the water

Time: approx. 10-15 min., depends on group-size
Recommended age: approx. from 8, if necessary adapt the rules
Size of group: playable with a few teammates
Time for preparation: none
Material: None

Game description

Before everybody goes into the water and the actual game can begin, chose two players who will catch all the other guys. They go into the water last. As soon as one player gets, caught, that one has to stand still. However, once caught does not mean prisoner forever. The person can be freed by another kid. All he needs to do is diving between the legs of the prisoner.


If you think a rating is indeed necessary, this could, for example, be the catcher who caught the most kids. Or the player who was not caught at all. Let them know beforehand which rules will apply.

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Games for youth groups, children’s birthday party or community fete.

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