
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

Change places

Time: 15 min.
Recommended age: all ages
Size of group: from 10 persons or more
Time for preparation: none
Material: nothing

Game description

A volunteer stands in the middle of a circle of seats. His seat is empty. He must try to take his seat which the others will try to stop by sitting on it themselves. One direction must be kept but it can be changed on the signal. This means that the person in the middle gets quicker and will get the opportunity to take his seat at some point. Anyone who is too slow and loses the seat must go into the middle.


The person in the middle is blind-folded and calls 2 names. These two must exchange places before the player in the middle can tag one of them. All of the other players must remain quiet.
Or variation 2: Names of fruit can be used instead of the players names. If someone calls out ‘fruit salad’, then everyone must change places.
Or variation 3: The players making up the circle move to the right or left to fill the empty space before the player in the middle can reach it.


no scoring. The aim is to spend as little time as possible standing in the middle.

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The person in the middle is blind-folded and calls 2 names. These two must exchange places before the player in the middle can tag one of them.

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