Pulling carrots
Time: | approx. 5 - 10 min. |
Recommended age: | all ages |
Size of group: | minimum 10 persons |
Time for preparation: | none |
Material: | None |
Game description
In this game, students learn the importance of the cohesion within a group. In reality, if the group is united and everyone pulls on the same rope it is extremely hard for an outsider to go against this group. In the beginning, one child assumes the role of the farmer. Next, the children form a circle, lay belly down and holding on to their hands. Those kids are the carrots. The farmer, on the other hand, wants to go to his field and harvest his carrots. Now he tries to pull the carrots apart. Everything goes. Pulling, tugging, trying to loosen the grip of their hands, even tickling the kids so that they might let go themselves. As soon as the circle is broken, the game is over. If you want to repeat the game, then the carrot becomes the farmer.
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